Category: Linux

  • PXE Server on Existing Network

    Many thanks to Sebastian Krysmanski’s original post! The Goal At the end of this article you’ll have a working PXE server that lets you boot memtest86+ over a network. The goal is to have a simple but working solution. This is why I’m using memtest. It consists of just one file and thus is easy to…

  • Change linux hostname

    How to change the hostname of the system sudo hostname (new hostname) Change old hostname also in the following file: sudo nano /etc/hosts

  • OpenVPN shortcut

    This script will show your current WAN IP address before and after connecting to your VPN. VALID_IP=”″ #this is the correct IP you should be connected to myip=”$(dig +short” echo “My current WAN/Public IP address: ${myip}” echo “Starting OpenVPN connection” sleep 1 sudo openvpn –config ~/path/to/VPNConfig.ovpn –daemon echo “Establishing connection…” sleep 8 myip=”$(dig…

  • Add user to sudo- ers file

    Open the sudoers file: sudo visudo will open the /etc/sudoers file in the editor defined in $EDITOR (probably GNU nano – set the variable if it’s not what you want, eg export EDITOR=”nano” and try sudo visudo again). Add the below line to the end of the file. username ALL=(ALL) ALL # Change the user…

  • OpenVPN running in background

    Simply run the following command in terminal: sudo openvpn –config ~/Documents/path-to/VPNConfig.ovpn –daemon It is not nescessary to leave the terminal open! To kill the connection, stop the process. Identify the correct process ID number. ps aux | grep openvpn Kill the process. sudo kill [id-number]

  • Daily backup to external hdd

    Daily backup to external hdd

    Goal Domoticz has a built in feature to automatically create hourly, daily and monthly database backups in the /home/pi/domoticz/backups/ directory. You just need to tick the Enable Automatic Backup option in System setup. However in the case the SD-card crashes and is no longer accessible, a lot of work still could be lost. This page…

  • OpenSSH server install Ubuntu

    1. To install it, open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) or log in Ubuntu server and run command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server 2. After that, you should have SSH service enabled in your system, you may check its status by running command: sudo service ssh status 3. You may change some settings (e.g., the listening port, and root…

  • Mount Windows Shares Permanently

    CIFS installation sudo apt-get install cifs-utils Mounting unprotected (guest) network folders First, let’s create the mount directory. You will need a separate directory for each mount. sudo mkdir /media/windowsshare Then edit your /etc/fstab file (with root privileges) to add this line:

  • Linux File Permissions

    Linux File Permissions

    Explanation For example: dwrxr–r– You can split this in 4 segmenst: d wrx r– r– d means the name is a directory. wrx is the first of 3 permission segments, and represents the owner. The next segment is for the same group users, and the last is for other users like guests. Above stands for:…

  • Pi-Hole DNS AdBlocker

    Pi-Hole DNS AdBlocker

    Install Run the following script: curl -sSL | bash Update Just run the following script: pihole -up