Category: Docker

  • Traccar in docker

    Run the following command: docker run -d –privileged -p 8082:8082 -p 5005:5013 -p 5055:5055 magnaz/traccar Webserver adres: 808 RF-V16 tracker: Send by tracker on port 5013, received by Traccar on port 5005. (needed to use the right protocol) Traccar Android client: 5055

  • Valuable linux commands

    Valuable linux commands

    docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

  • Docker commands -2-

    Docker commands -2-

    Docker commands Containers Show running containers docker ps Show all containers docker ps -a Docker start container docker start xxx Docker stop container docker stop xxx Docker restart container docker restart xxx Docker remove container docker rm xxx Images Show images docker images Remove images docker rmi xxx Volumes List volumes docker volume ls Remove…

  • Docker installation

    Docker installation

    Docker is supported on these Ubuntu operating systems: * Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (LTS) * Ubuntu Wily 15.10 * Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS) * Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) This page instructs you to install using Docker-managed release packages and installation mechanisms. Using these packages ensures you get the latest release of Docker. If you wish to…

  • Docker container: Backup and Recovery

    Docker container: Backup and Recovery

    This config will describe a procedure of how to back up a Docker container as well as it will also show how to recover a Docker container from backup. To understand the Docker container backup and recovery process we first need to understand the difference between docker image and docker container. A docker image contains…

  • Docker clean-up commands

    Docker clean-up commands

    Remove stopped containers $ drm Remove unused volumes $ drmv Remove dangling volumes $ drmi

  • Docker autostart container

    Docker autostart container

    Create service make file in /etc/systemd/system/ cd /etc/systemd/system nano /docker-[containername].service Insert following code: [Unit] Description=Docker [containername] server Requires=docker.service After=docker.service [Service] Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker start -a [containername] ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop -t 2 [containername] [Install] Add service to systemd systemctl enable docker-[containername].service When system reboots, service will be started.