Month: March 2017

  • Linux File Permissions

    Linux File Permissions

    Explanation For example: dwrxr–r– You can split this in 4 segmenst: d wrx r– r– d means the name is a directory. wrx is the first of 3 permission segments, and represents the owner. The next segment is for the same group users, and the last is for other users like guests. Above stands for:…

  • Pi-Hole DNS AdBlocker

    Pi-Hole DNS AdBlocker

    Install Run the following script: curl -sSL | bash Update Just run the following script: pihole -up

  • Running Ubuntu full-screen in Virtualbox

    Running Ubuntu full-screen in Virtualbox

    Install Ubuntu in Virtualbox. It’s not directly possible to run Native full-screen resolution. Follow the next steps to solve this problem: Select from ‘Devices’ in the titlebar the option ‘Guest additions’. Reboot the virtual machine. Press the host-key (by default right-CTRL) and F simultainously. The screen turns full-screen Ubuntu in native resolution.

  • Traccar installation on Raspberry Pi

    Traccar installation on Raspberry Pi

    Download and install Traccar Download Traccar wget Unzip downloadfile unzip Remove zipfile rm Run install script sudo ./ Start Traccar Server sudo java -jar /opt/traccar/tracker-server.jar Optional configuration Make autostart on boot Start crontab crontab -e Add following line to the bottom of the file @reboot /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/java -jar /opt/traccar/tracker-server.jar Exit crontab and…

  • SSH port change

    SSH port change

    Ubuntu / Debian Open the SSH configuration file with your favorite text editor and find the lines that specifies the SSH port. nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Default value: #Port 22 Uncomment the relevant line by removing the # sign and change the default port 22 to the one that you want to use. In this article we…

  • OpenVPN Client installation in Ubuntu

    Open the terminal. Update the software repositories and install the network manager. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn Copy your VPN files  (*.ovpn and certificate files) to a known location on your computer. Open network connections. Edit connections Load configuration Select your  *.ovpn file.

  • Bookmark network share

    Open nautilus explorer. Go to network → Connect to server. Enter path, for example: smb:// Enter username, domain and password. Rename the bookmark as you wish with right-click → rename.

  • Missing titlebar at Zorin

    When you install Zorin, it could be possible that you don’t see a title bar at the top of you screen. This is because of an error in the Compiz window manager. You can avoid this problem by using Metacity instead. Follow the next steps: Log off Click on the blue Z next to your…

  • Keepass for Ubuntu

    Add the repository to the software centre. The standard version in software centre is old. ppa:jtaylor/keepass Search for ‘KeepassX’ and install. Auto fill-in By default, you can’t fill in the user credantials automatically. To make this possible, you have to install another program called ‘xdotool’. $ sudo apt-get install xdotool

  • Ubuntu 14.04 default brightness

    Laptop users still have the backlight issue in Ubuntu 14.04. Every time Ubuntu boots up you get the maximum level of screen brightness. Here’s a workaround by adding a startup script which will automatically adjust screen brightness when Ubuntu boots up. To get started: Preparation: Open your file browser and navigate to “Computer→ sys →…