JSelec: a technical notes blog.
(Click on title of post to read the complete document)
How to upgrade kernel to latest version on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux
(source: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-kernel-to-latest-version-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux) In this tutorial you will learn: Upgrade kernel to latest version on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux Software Requirements and Conventions Used Category Requirements, Conventions or Software Version Used System Installed Ubuntu 20.04 or upgraded Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Software ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh Other Privileged access to your Linux system as root or via the…
Install Odoo v13 docker container
Step by step installation instructions.(Thnx to: https://www.cybrosys.com/blog/how-to-install-odoo-13-using-docker) Install Ubuntu server 18.04 and run all updates. Install docker(Ubuntu 18.04)First of all, we have to make sure that every required package is properly installed in the system in order to run the docker:# sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common Get a GPG key for better maintenance…
Pfsense not booting DNS resolver hang
Due to an unknown reason, sometimes it appears that the DNS Resolver hangs at system boot. Next steps are the solution: backup the file just in case: cp /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf /tmp Delete it rm /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf create an empty file touch /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf reboot
Xpenology Proxmox e1000e driver
To get the e1000e driver working, do the following steps: Make backup
Auto reboot after kernel panic
By default after a kernel panic, Linux kernel just waits there for a system administrator to hit the restart or powercycle button. This is because of the value set on “kernel.panic” parameter. [root@linux23 ~]# cat /proc/sys/kernel/panic 0[root@linux23 ~]# sysctl -a | grep kernel.panickernel.panic = 0 To disable this and make the Linux OS reboot after a kernel panic,…
pfSense – Update Realtek driver v1.95
Download driver: https://forum.netgate.com/assets/uploads/files/1537813753467-if_re.zipjselec mirror: http://jselec.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/if_re.zip Unzip & Place “if_re.ko” file at “/boot/kernel“ Change ownership and permissions on the if_re.ko file chown root:wheel if_re.kochmod 0555 if_re.ko Then edit “/boot/loader.conf” to add this line: if_re_load=”YES” Reboot. Then go to diagnostics > command prompt in the WebGUI Run the command kldstat If you did everything properly you’ll see…
OTGW iSense Calenta Return water temperature
Is your OTGW (Opentherm Gateway) not returning the return water temperature?Issue the following command: Check in the list of devices. The actual temperature should now be reported.
Proxmox gui not responding
It could happen that the Proxmox GUI is not responding to http request.One reason could be that the webdaemon is not running or has crashed. Try restart of the service:
Proxmox – Add external usb drive to LXC container
How to mount an external USB(3) drive to a LXC container In this example we make use of a Western Digital 1TB external USB3 drive. This device is NTFS formatted, which is easy to handle in Windows. Our container is used for samba services and has ID 102. At the host system (Proxmox) – Check…
Nextcloud accept larger upload filesize
By default, Nextcloud only accept small upload filesize. This is due the configuration of php.ini in Apache, and the settings in Nextcloud itself. By the way? Have you already update your php to version 7? Read here how to do this: Nextcloud update php5.6 to php7.0 In this example we use a new maximum file…
Got any recommendations?