Tag: chmod

  • Linux File Permissions

    Linux File Permissions


    For example: dwrxr–r– You can split this in 4 segmenst: d wrx r– r–
    d means the name is a directory. wrx is the first of 3 permission segments, and represents the owner. The next segment is for the same group users, and the last is for other users like guests.

    Above stands for: directory, writable, readable, exacutable. Readable (by same group user), Not writable (by same group user), only readable by other (guest) users.

    Change permissions

    Change fileperission on newfile.txt

    chmod 660 newfile.txt

    660 is a binary notation which represents the permission level.
    7 Read-write-execute
    6 Read-write
    5 Read-execute
    4 Read
    3 Write-Execute
    2 Write
    1 Execute
    0 No permissions