Tag: nas

  • Daily backup to external hdd

    Daily backup to external hdd


    Domoticz has a built in feature to automatically create hourly, daily and monthly database backups in the /home/pi/domoticz/backups/ directory. You just need to tick the Enable Automatic Backup option in System setup.
    However in the case the SD-card crashes and is no longer accessible, a lot of work still could be lost.
    This page will provide you several backupscripts, each with other functions.


    Search the folder on your Network Attached Storage (NAS) where you want the backups to be stored. Check that FTP is enabled and have login credentials available.

    Make sure that if you have enabled website protection, e.g. if your Domoticz webpage is password protected, that you enable Local Networks (no username/password)in your settings. Fill in your local network IP-address (192.168.1.* for example), otherwise the backup will fail.

    Place the script below in:/home/pi/domoticz/scripts and change the parameters to reflect to your settings. (more…)