Daily backup to external hdd


Domoticz has a built in feature to automatically create hourly, daily and monthly database backups in the /home/pi/domoticz/backups/ directory. You just need to tick the Enable Automatic Backup option in System setup.
However in the case the SD-card crashes and is no longer accessible, a lot of work still could be lost.
This page will provide you several backupscripts, each with other functions.


Search the folder on your Network Attached Storage (NAS) where you want the backups to be stored. Check that FTP is enabled and have login credentials available.

Make sure that if you have enabled website protection, e.g. if your Domoticz webpage is password protected, that you enable Local Networks (no username/password)in your settings. Fill in your local network IP-address (192.168.1.* for example), otherwise the backup will fail.

Place the script below in:/home/pi/domoticz/scripts and change the parameters to reflect to your settings.

Different scripts

Script to backup to FTP-server (only Domoticz database)

The script below will save a copy of your ‘domoticz.db’ (database) to the folder specified.
However, you probably also use some scripts that you want to backup too, so you probably want the script further down this page.

    SERVER=""   # IP of Network disk, used for ftp
    USERNAME="root"         # FTP username of Network disk used for ftp
    PASSWORD="root"         # FTP password of Network disk used for ftp
    DESTDIR="/opt/backup"   # used for temorarily storage
    DOMO_IP=""  # Domoticz IP 
    DOMO_PORT="8080"        # Domoticz port 
    TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
    BACKUPFILE="domoticz_$TIMESTAMP.db" # backups will be named "domoticz_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.db.gz"
    ### Stop Domoticz, create backup, ZIP it and start Domoticz again
    service domoticz.sh stop
    /usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /tmp/$BACKUPFILE
    service domoticz.sh start
    gzip -9 /tmp/$BACKUPFILE
    ### Send to Network disk through FTP
    curl -s --disable-epsv -v -T"/tmp/$BACKUPFILEGZ" -u"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" "ftp://$SERVER/media/hdd/Domoticz_backup/"				
    ### Remove temp backup file
    /bin/rm /tmp/$BACKUPFILEGZ
    ### Done!

Addition: If this doesn’t work, try to outcomment the “service domoticz.sh stop” and “service domoticz.sh start” by adding a ‘#’ in front (so for example”#service domoticz.sh stop”). It seems that domoticz on a Raspberry sometimes does not stop soon enough, which will result in an empty database file.

Script to backup to FTP-server (multiple folders)

The script below will backup the folder specified (/home/pi/domoticz/xxxx/, change xxxx to the folder you want to have backupped) to the FTP-location specified.
This script doesn’t backup the domoticz.db database, see the script above.

    SERVER=""         # IP of Network disk, used for: ftp mail scp
    USERNAME="root"         # FTP username of Network disk used for: ftp mail scp
    PASSWORD="root"               # FTP password of Network disk used for: ftp mail scp
    DESTDIR="/opt/backup"      # used for: local
    DOMO_IP=""      # Domoticz IP used for all
    DOMO_PORT="8081"         # Domoticz port used for all
    TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
    BACKUPFILEDIR="domoticz_x_xxx_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz" # Change the xxx to yours
    ### Create backup and ZIP it
    tar -zcvf /tmp/$BACKUPFILEDIR /home/pi/domoticz/xxxx/   # Change the xxx to yours    # Or try /home/pi/domoticz/
    ### Send to Network disk through FTP
    curl -s --disable-epsv -v -T"/tmp/$BACKUPFILEDIR" -u"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" "ftp://$SERVER/media/hdd/Domoticz_backup/"  # Change the ftp to yours !!!
    ### Remove temp backup file
    /bin/rm /tmp/$BACKUPFILEDIR
    ### Done!

Script to backup to local folders (database + multiple folders)

The script below can be used to create backups and store them on the same device. Storing backups on the same device is not recommended, but i have placed them in a folder that gets copied every night to an off-site NAS.

DOMO_IP=""  # Domoticz IP 
DOMO_PORT="8084"        # Domoticz port 
TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
BACKUPFILE="domoticzbackup_$TIMESTAMP.db" # backups will be named "domoticz_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.db.gz"
#Create backup and make tar archives
/usr/bin/curl -s http://$DOMO_IP:$DOMO_PORT/backupdatabase.php > /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/database/$BACKUPFILE
tar -zcvf /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/scripts/domoticz_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz /volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/
tar -zcvf /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/www/domoticz_wwwfolder_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz /volume1/@appstore/domoticz/www/
#Delete backups older than 31 days
/usr/bin/find /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/database/ -name '*.db' -mtime +31 -delete
/usr/bin/find /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/scripts/ -name '*.tar.gz' -mtime +31 -delete
/usr/bin/find /volume1/dataschijf/Domoticz_backup/www/ -name '*.tar.gz' -mtime +31 -delete

Script to backup to a Synology NAS

The script below will backup (Domoticz Database & Domoticz scripts & Telegram Scripts) to the FTP-location specified.
Don’t forget to give the Synology useraccount FTP right in DSM.

SERVER=”192.168.xxx.xxx” # IP of Synology NAS, used for ftp
USERNAME=”ftp-user” # FTP username of Network disk used for ftp
PASSWORD=”ftp-password” # FTP password of Network disk used for ftp
DESTDIR=”/opt/backup” # used for temorarily storage
DESTDIRNAS=”/Backup/Domoticz/” # Path to your Synology NAS backup folder
DOMO_IP=”″ # Domoticz IP
DOMO_PORT=”8084″ # Domoticz port

TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
echo “Stopping Domoticz service…”
sudo service domoticz.sh stop
echo Copy “database to temporary file…”
cp /home/pi/domoticz/domoticz.db /tmp/domoticz_$TIMESTAMP.db
echo “Starting Domoticz service…”
sudo service domoticz.sh start

### Create backup and ZIP it
tar -zcvf /tmp/domoticz_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/
tar -zcvf /tmp/telegram_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz /home/pi/tg/scripts/

### Send to Network disk through FTP
echo “Copying to FTP-server…”
curl -s –disable-epsv -v -T”/tmp/domoticz_$TIMESTAMP.db” -u”$USERNAME:$PASSWORD” “ftp://$SERVER/$DESTDIRNAS”
curl -s –disable-epsv -v -T”/tmp/domoticz_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz” -u”$USERNAME:$PASSWORD” “ftp://$SERVER/$DESTDIRNAS”
curl -s –disable-epsv -v -T”/tmp/telegram_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz” -u”$USERNAME:$PASSWORD” “ftp://$SERVER/$DESTDIRNAS”

### Remove temp backup file
/bin/rm /tmp/domoticz_$TIMESTAMP.db
/bin/rm /tmp/domoticz_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz
/bin/rm /tmp/telegram_scripts_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz
### Done!
echo “Done!”

If you want to prevent your NAS from overflowing over time you can add some automated pruning. For instance by extending the script.

# get a list of files and dates from ftp and remove files older than ndays
ftpsite="sftp -b-  -oPort=22  $USERNAME@$SERVER"
# work out our cutoff date
MM=`date --date="$ndays days ago" +%b`
DD=`date --date="$ndays days ago" +%d`
TT=`date --date="$ndays days ago" +%s`
echo removing files older than $MM $DD
# get directory listing from remote source
echo "
cd $putdir
ls -l
"|$ftpsite >dirlist
# skip first three and last line, ftp command echo
listing="`tail -n+4 dirlist|head -n-1`"
lista=( $listing )
# loop over our files
for ((FNO=0; FNO<${#lista[@]}; FNO+=9));do
  # month (element 5), day (element 6) and filename (element 8)
  # echo Date ${lista[`expr $FNO+5`]} ${lista[`expr $FNO+6`]}          File: ${lista[`expr $FNO+8`]}
  fdate="${lista[`expr $FNO+5`]} ${lista[`expr $FNO+6`]} ${lista[`expr $FNO+7`]}"
  sdate=`date --date="$fdate" +%s`
  # check the date stamp
  if [ $sdate -lt $TT ]
      # Remove this file
      echo "$MM $DD: Removing  ${lista[`expr $FNO+5`]} /  ${lista[`expr $FNO+6`]} / ${lista[`expr $FNO+8`]}"
      $ftpsite <<EOMYF2
      cd $putdir
      rm ${lista[`expr $FNO+8`]}

Make script executable

use the commmand

sudo chmod +x /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/domoticz_backup.sh

to make the script executable.
Test the script by the command

sudo /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/domoticz_backup.sh

Schedule daily execution of the script

Login as pi user and issue

crontab -e

Place this line in your crontab document:

0 1 * * * sudo ~/domoticz/scripts/domoticz_backup.sh

which says: execute script when time is 0 minutes, 1 hour any day of the month, any month of the year, any day of the week, which equals daily at 01:00. Change the number in the time you want by changing the cron parameters

 *     *     *   *    *        command to be executed
 -     -     -   -    -
 |     |     |   |    |
 |     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
 |     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
 |     |     +--------- day of        month (1 - 31)
 |     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
 +------------- min (0 - 59)

And save the crontab

Linux will now make a daily backup of your Domoticz Database

The forumthread


Script to upload to Dropbox

While searching for backupmethods, i came by this script by Andrea Fabrizi.
It is an easy script to upload files to Dropbox. See the Github page for how to use this script.
Downside is that it can only push files to Dropbox, it doesn’t work like on your PC, where you have a local folder for Dropbox. So removing old backups automatically is not possible with this uploader.
But still a nice script for creating off-site backups of your Domoticz install.


This script is based on Leonardo’s work published on the old Domoticz forum. Still to be found here.



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